January 2021 – Photography Update

Each month I take a variety of photos of what I have been doing each month. In the United Kingdom currently we are locked down, so I am sure like a lot of you there is very little things of excitement going on. Fingers crossed once restrictions start to lift, moods can rise and we can begin to move on from all this.

Having moved early in the new year, new walks and sights were up for grabs, a refreshing change after a few months seeing the same sights on repeat.

A small wooded area near your house is the perfect spot to explore any time of year. Scots pines towering above you and fallen trees teaming with life.

With the move trains are now the best form of transport available, so it has been nice to travel in comfort and cut down on the commute. and to take some snaps of course!

Seat after seat unclaimed.

My latest camera came with a 4K shot mode, where it takes multiple shots over a few second window. It is really useful for taking shots of moving objects, where you can choose which image is best based on the position of the subject. On the downside, sometimes the quality does suffer a tad.

The 4K mode captures a short video for you to take a frame from.

The rain in Bath has picked up a lot recently, so much so that the banks overflowed, submerging certain paths and beaching barges up the Avon.

Stairway leading to nowhere

And then came the highlight of the entire month. Snow seems like yearly occurrence where I live and that is not because of a warm tropical climate I can assure you of that. It has usually rained like it does most of the time in England, so the ground isn’t suitable for snow to settle. The one day it does settle is one to savour.

Who is that staring back at us?
Birds eye view of everyone out enjoying the snow.

Being out in the snow and hearing the excitement and happiness in people enjoying a rare day out was such a great feel good moment. It is just a shame it only really lasted one day, with the next day not being quite so cheery.

Thanks for reading and checking out this months snaps everyone. I am really happy with some of the snaps from this month on my new camera and look forward to getting out there when we are able to. Be sure to check back around this time next month for Februarys update. Have a good day!